I came across this article discussing how in schools there is much controversy regarding homosexuality. Apparently there was a bill that State Representative Stavey Campfield's was trying to get passed. It prohibiting homosexuality references in pre-k to eighth grade in Tennessee school systems. Fortunately, this bill was turned down though. The bill "would allow for the teaching of heterosexuality." I liked how the article mentioned that by teaching only one side of the argument is like giving a child only half of his or her education. This is so true! I mean, society needs to get it through their heads that homosexuality is not an issue, it is someone's identity. It's not right to take away, or shun, a part of who someone is! How is this any different than being racist? Telling someone to cover up their skin because it makes you uncomfortable? I mean come on... Like the article said, "People fear what they don't understand - they fear change." .. I guess this means we just need more opportunities for people to be educated on accepting people for who they are, not what they are.
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